English Summer Assignments

English Summer Assignments
Posted on 06/19/2020
English Summer Assignments

English 10 Honors

You will read Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. It is more difficult to read, and the material can be complex. You will do 6 Double-Entry Journals with your reading; your entries are 1 page apiece using the provided template. I will include the template for the double-entry journals. You will have a focus for your entries:

  • How does the theme, characterization, and setting work to create the tone?
  • There are more directions on the template.

Book link: 


Helpful Resource for Understanding:


Double Entry Journal Template

DEJ template for Ms. Morgan w notes and examples.docx


English 11 Honors

Ms. MorganThose of you that are staying with me next year for 11th grade Honors English will need to do the assignments below.  This is typically done on your own for a summer reading project, but we are starting early.

1. Read The Glass Castle. 

Book link:   https://www.houstonisd.org/cms/lib2/TX01001591/Centricity/Domain/17638/The_Glass_Castle.pdf

2. Write a 4 page MLA formatted essay using the formal use of writing.  Your prompt is listed below.

  • Prompt: Write an essay discussing the author’s intended message, including any warnings for or about society. Incorporate your reaction to the novel within the essay (NO 1st person). This is NOT a summary of the novel or a book report. THIS IS AN ANALYSIS!     

We will use the assignments at the start of the next school year for your first grades for the 2020-2021 school year and learn some of the class basics.  Good Luck. 


English 12 Honors

Ms. Allenhttps://www.planetebook.com/free-ebooks/heart-of-darkness.pdf

  • Read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. It is a short read, but the material can be complex.
  • Complete 6 Double Entry Journals: entries are 1 page each minimally using the provided template.
  • Focus on the following prompt:  How does the theme, characterization, and setting work to create conflict?

Link to Double Entry Journal Template:

DEJ template.docx


AP English Language


Read The Glass Castle and complete the following assignments:

  1. Define Literary Terms: Should have a list from sophomore English course
  2. MLA formatted essay.  This essay will need to be 5 pages and follow the rules of formal writing.    

    Prompt: Write an essay discussing the author’s intended message, including any warnings for or about society. Incorporate your reaction to the novel within the essay (NO 1st person). This is NOT a summary of the novel or a book report. THIS IS AN ANALYSIS!

  3. Precis. Find a credible article about a topic covered in the novel and complete a précis.
  • Précis. This must be typed or no grade will be given. After annotating, write a four-sentence précis, following the example given below.
  • Writing a Précis Rationale: A précis reveals your understanding of the arguments and points authors make in a specific piece. Composing a précis can be particularly useful when organizing sources for a research project or determining the utility of them.
  • Précis Instructions: When writing your précis, objectively summarize the article in your own words by composing a précis. Note: Before you begin writing your précis, read the column a number of times to make sure you completely understand the author’s rhetorical situation. 
    Example Précis

  • Example Précis:
    • The first sentence identifies the essay’s author and title, provides
      the article’s date in parentheses, uses some form of the verb “says”
      (claims, asserts, suggests, argues) followed by “that,” and the essay’s thesis (paraphrased or quoted) Example: In his “In Defense 
      essay’s thesis (paraphrased or quoted).
Example: In his “In Defense
      of Prejudice” (1995), Jonathan Rauch argues that prejudice in society should not be eliminated. 
    • The second sentence describes the author’s support for the thesis, usually in chronological order. Example: Rauch supports his position by providing anecdotal and historical evidence taken from
      segments of society which illustrates the futility and harm associated with attempts to eliminate prejudice.
    • The third sentence analyzes the author’s purpose using an “in order to” statement. Example: Rauch hopes to shift the standard away from absolutism in order to move society toward rejection, the idea of societal pressure when grappling with racist and prejudicial attitudes.
    • The fourth sentence describes the essay’s intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience. Example: The author uses a knowledgeable yet defensive tone, indicating that he primarily addresses a rather liberal intellectual audience.



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